Working with Atomic Digital Marketing

Case Study

Client Location: UK

Industry: Finance Industry

Work: Marketing Research, Analysis, Content Strategy, Storytelling, Copywriting


A global company specialising in financial solutions needed to develop a robust social media strategy for the UK market. The challenge was to accomodate for local market peculiarities across 15 industries, while staying consistent with the global brand positioning. The team had to work on a wide variety of industries, including industrial equipment, energy, healthcare, infrastructure projects, and more. The strategy had to reflect the company’s expertise in offering tailored financing options, such as leasing, loans, project financing, and investment management.

Solution & Impact

The project was divided into four stages: market research, content strategy, and content creation, and social media reporting. It began with a thorough market analysis, identifying opportunities through a detailed competitor analysis. The second stage focused on crafting a content strategy tailored to each of the 15 industries within the business, ensuring that their unique needs and services were effectively addressed. Content creation involved developing post concepts, writing compelling copy, and providing guidance on visuals. Finally, the team provided quarterly in-depth social media reports to guide the client’s activities for the next quarter.

OUR Role

  • Marketing Research: a comprehensive competitor analysis was conducted to identify opportunities and gaps within the 15 distinct business sectors where the companys global positioning could be communicated.
  • Content Strategy: we developed content pillars and tailored LinkedIn messages for each business sector.
  • Account Management: we led project management efforts, coordinating the agencys multidisciplinary teams, including design, administration, research, and finance.
  • Client Management: we maintained direct communication and support with the client, including weekly status calls, overall project timeline management, and regular updates via ClickUp.
  • Reporting: we created quarterly social media reports, detailing performance metrics, market trends, opportunities, and strategic recommendations.

In addition to conducting in-depth marketing analysis, crafting a strategic plan, and executing it with multidisciplinary teams—both internally and in collaboration with the client—LLA also served as the central hub for client management and project leadership.

Projet Statistics

Social Media Posts


Blog Posts

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— Leonetta Lloyd

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